Organizers invite everyone to share a post on February 7 and 8 using the official hashtags:
#PrayAgainstTrafficking #iubilaeum2025
The text of the Vigil of Prayer 2025 is online in different languages: download it and share it with your community.
Official Hashtag: #PrayAgainstTrafficking
08/02/2024Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Tenth World Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
8 February 2024
Journeying in Dignity: Listen, Dream, Act
Dear sisters and dear brothers!
Today, the liturgical Memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita, we celebrate the tenth World Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. I associate myself wholeheartedly with all of you around the world, especially the young, who are working to combat this global scourge.
Together let us walk in the footsteps of Saint Bakhita, the religious Sister from Sudan, who as a child was sold into slavery and was a victim of traffickers. Let us remember the wrong she endured, her suffering but at the same time her strength and her journey of liberation and rebirth to a new life. Saint Bakhita encourages us to open our eyes and ears to see those who go unseen and to hear those who have no voice, to acknowledge the dignity of each person and to fight trafficking and all forms of exploitation.
Trafficking, in fact, often goes unseen. The media, thanks also to courageous reporters, have brought to light modern forms of slavery, but the culture of indifference tends to desensitize us. Let us help one another to be more responsive, to open our lives and hearts to our sisters and brothers who even now are being bought and sold as slaves. It is never too late to take action.
Thank God, many young people have taken up the challenge of this World Day against trafficking. Their enthusiasm and commitment show us the way: they remind us that we are called to listen, dream and act in order to counter trafficking.
First, it is essential to listen to those who are suffering. I think of the victims of wars and conflicts, those affected by climate change, those forced to migrate, and those, especially women and children, who are exploited sexually or in the workplace. May we listen to their cry for help and feel challenged by the stories they tell. Together with the victims and the young, let us once more dream of a world where all people can live with freedom and dignity.
Then, sisters and brothers, by the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, let us make this dream a reality by taking concrete actions to combat trafficking. Let us pray fervently and work proactively for this cause, the defence of human dignity, whether by prayer and action as individuals and families, or as parish and religious communities, as ecclesial associations and movements, and also in the various spheres of social and political life.
We know that the fight against trafficking can be won, but it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and eliminate its causes. I encourage you, then, to respond to this appeal for transformation, in memory of Saint Josephine Bakhita, who stands for all those men and women who, despite their enslavement, can still attain freedom. It is a call to take action, to mobilize all our resources in combatting trafficking and restoring full dignity to those who have been its victims. If we close our eyes and ears, if we do nothing, we will be guilty of complicity.
From my heart, I express my gratitude to everyone engaged in the celebration of this Day, and I bless all those who are committed to combatting trafficking and all forms of exploitation in order to build a world of fraternity and peace.
Rome, Saint John Lateran, 8 February 2024
Memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita.
04/02/2024I greet the young people of many countries who have come for the World Day for Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, which will be celebrated on 8 February, memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita, the Sudanese religious sister who was enslaved as a child. Today too, many brothers and sisters are deceived with false promises and are then subjected to exploitation and abuse. Let us all join to counter the dramatic global phenomenon of human trafficking.
Pope Francis - Angelus - feb 4, 2024
Follow the live streaming of the marathon on
01/01/2024The text of the Vigil of Prayer for February 8th, 2024 is online in different languages: download it and share it with your community.
Official Hashtag: #PrayAgainstTrafficking
01/01/2024Download the concept note and the theme 2024.
02/01/2023Download the concept note and the theme 2023.
01/01/2023The text of the Prayer for February 8th, 2023 is online in different languages: download it and share it with your community.
Official Hashtag: #PrayAgainstTrafficking
01/01/2023Follow the live streaming of the marathon on
17/10/2022“Journeying in dignity” is the theme of the 9th Edition of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, celebrated around Feb. 8, 2023.
In 2022, we have experienced major changes as well as the aggravation of crises. In this context, the number of both at-risk groups and people suffering from trafficking violence has increased. We are called to keep hope and the values that guide our being and acting alive. This is the meaning of the theme of the 9th International Day of Prayer, chosen by an international group of young representatives of partner organizations.
Read the whole presentation’s theme document.
21/01/2022Follow the live streaming of the marathon on
10/12/2021“The Power of care – women, economy and human trafficking” is the theme for the 8th International Day of Prayer and Reflection against human trafficking, on the next 8th of February, 2002.
The theme’s choice continues the previous year’s, where we began to reflect on the connection between the economy and human trafficking. The 2022 edition proposes to focus on women. They are, in fact, the most affected by the violence of trafficking. At the same time, they have a fundamental and important role in the process of transforming the economy of exploitation into one of care.
Read the whole presentation’s theme document.
05/02/2021From Oceania to the Americas, we pray online for an “Economy without Trafficking in Persons”.
A message from Pope Francis will be broadcast during the YouTube live. Press release
The text of the Prayer for February 8th are online in different languages: download it and share it with your community.
Official Hashtag: #PrayAgainstTrafficking
08/12/20202021 brings into the spotlight one of the main causes of human trafficking: the dominant economic model of our time, whose limits and contradictions are exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Are you interesting in knowing more? Click here!
The texts of the Prayer Vigil for 8th of February
are online in different languages:
download them and share them with your community.
Official Hashtag: #PrayAgainstTrafficking
08/11/2017Vigil of prayer and reflection vigil against Trafficking. For further details click here
20/10/2017The Committee for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against trafficking in persons presented today the theme for the Edition 2018: Migration and Trafficking. Click for the Press Release
17/10/2017Presentation of the 2018 IDPT. MIGRATION WITHOUT TRAFFICKING, say yes to Freedom, no to slavery Click here
13/10/2017Apresentação do DMOT 2018: MIGRAÇÕES SEM TRÁFICO DE PESSOAS. Sim à liberdade. Não à escravidão. Clique aqui
Présentation de la JMPT 2018: MIGRATIONS SANS TRAITE DES PERSONNES. Oui à la liberté. Non à l’esclavage. Cliquez ici
13/10/2017Presentación de la JMOT 2018: EMIGRACIÓN SIN TRATA. SÌ a la libertad. NO a la esclavitud. Clic aquí
13/10/2017Presentazione della GMPT 2018: MIGRAZIONE SENZA TRATTA. SÌ alla libertà. NO alla schiavitù. Clicca qui
10/02/2017Look at the Photos of the Rome Events 2017. Click here
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