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A LITHUANIAN STORY Aina, a fifteen year old Lithuanian girl, was offered a chance of education in Germany, by a male friend of her mother. She was told that she there could get money for study by washing dishes. Her single mother, a prudent woman, did not want her daughter to travel alone, so the friend invited her to come along too. He drove both to Germany, where he passed the mother on to another man, while he drove her daughter to Spain. There sexual exploitation awaited her…… The girl is now trying to forget her ordeal. We think that human trafficking prevention should be mandatory in schools. No boy or girl ever dreams of being a prostitute or of being exploited for labour. Preventative measures should be taken to insure young people are very sceptical towards what sounds as easy job opportunities in other countries. Story sent by Socialinė konsultantė LIthuania

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Spot de Radio en Español

Spot Radio in Italiano

Lalani and her dream to study Lalani is a 16 year old girl who was attending high school in Melbourne. Her parents took her to their country of origin for a holiday. When they arrived Lalani discovered that preparations for her marriage were well under way. She didn’t want the wedding to take place but felt she had no choice but to comply. Lalani’s parents returned to Australia taking her passport with them. Lalani’s school friends in Australia had participated in education programmes on their legal rights and current legislation regarding forced marriages. Through facebook, they alerted her to the fact that forced marriage is a slavery-like practice and is illegal in Australia. They told her of a website that could assist her. Lalani was able to receive support through the website. She was assisted to obtain new Australian travel documents and an airline ticket back to Australia. Lalani did not return to live with her family. She told her NGO caseworker that she wanted to reconnect with some family members and was given mediation assistance to do so. Lalani ...

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Radio Spot in English

Joyce – nom d’emprunt- était une adolescente de 16 ans venant d’un village du Nigéria. Elle était orpheline de père et de mère. Sa grand-mère qui s’occupait d’elle faisait un petit commerce pour l’éduquer. Joyce n’a pas été longtemps à l’école juste la fin de l’école primaire, elle s’occupait ensuite des travaux ménagers et aidait la grand-mère dans son petit commerce. Elle fut un jour abordée par une dame qui lui promit de lui offrir un travail dans un restaurant au Burkina Faso ou elle travaillait. Et qu’avec son travail Joyce pourrait mieux s’occuper de sa grand –mère. Celle-ci s’embarqua pour cette aventure s’en informer sa grand-mère, certaine qu’elle n’allait pas lui donner la permission. Après un voyage périlleux et sans papier, elle arriva au Burkina Faso. La dame mise dans une maison avec d’autres filles et après une nuit de répit lui donna une tenue extravagante en lui demanda de la suivre sur le trottoir pour se prostituer. Devant son refus elle la battra et refusa de la nourrir. Finalement Joyce fut semblant d’accepter, mais quelquefois elle se révoltait ...

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